Friday, April 10, 2009

An Unlikely Criminal...

But still guilty as charged.
My day in court is over and my fifteen minutes of fame are up. I must say, I've learned alot. That's not to say I've learned my lesson, if I could go back in time, I'd do it the same way. But I learned alot about how the courts work, how the media works, how important friends are, and that seeing things through to the end gives the closure I need.
Above is a picture of a prayer vigil we put on before we all went in to hear the verdict. We all got cold and wet, but I'm glad we prayed before it all started as it kept things in perspective for me. Whatever the judge decided meant very little - staying true to the gospel of peace (and my Lord who spoke that gospel into existence) as I understand it was far more important.
In the end I was found guilty and given a $300 fine. There was a small victory in it all that the judge did not give me a court order to fill out the census, as this would have put me into a much more serious situation of being in contempt of court if I continued to refuse to comply. God was good and showed me mercy. My job was done.
Thanks to everyone who prayed. Thanks to all who came out and filled up the courtroom and helped intimidate the powers (extra baliffs were called in to protect the judge from us rowdy peaceniks!). Thanks especially to those who helped me pay down the fine, your generosity will not soon be forgotten.

1 comment:

Marty Marquette said...

Hello Todd. Much to say, but fewer the words are probably better.
Do much praying and decsion making before the next census is up...
You are a marked family....

I can hardly wait till King Jesus comes and I am counted in His census IE. the Book of Life